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“Internet+” and “+Internet” at Boao Forum for Asia

Mar 28, 2016by:OSell

“When customers want make deals through OSell or OConnect APP, they don’t care about any “Internet+” and “+Internet” ideas, they just want to be sure of safety, about can this deal be successful or not, everyone concerned about how much profit they will get, but not about where “+” will be – before or after Internet word, aren’t they?”

This is question, which Kevin Fenn, OConnect CEO, asked the audience 23 March at Boao Forum for Asia, “IT round table”.


You cant see any presence of Internet on this year Boao Forum for Asia, accept “IT round table” “Internet+” and “+Internet” and several other topics. Forum itself can’t exist without Internet technologies, every participant hold their smartphones everywhere, APP where you can get newest meeting information, electronic visit cards and access control system, telling you where you can get best place. Yes, Internet technologies can be seen everywhere.

"No one cares about '+ Internet' or 'Internet +' organizing committee, the participants feel the ease and convenience, meeting is organized very good."  - said Kevin Fenn: "Similarly, OConnect created foreign warehouses net version 2.0, it is not just a convenient storage center, but also a small exhibition center for overseas buyers, the Internet gives them opportunities to know each other, build trust and find new business partners."

Because “Overseas warehouses” combination of words were mentioned at Chinese government strategies, so ut become very popular in mass media this year, but Kevin Fenn’s OConnect showrooms and warehouses version 2.0 were created much earlier, more than one year ago. Its not only a warehouse for Chinese products, but also a showroom. Such conditions creates overseas buyers trust, can ensure security of money, helps with logistics, provide data, make money exchange, market analysis and more. It can find buyers for all that stunning Chinese suppliers, and help overseas buyers make a sure deals.


“IT round table” at Boao Forum for Asia 2016

"Customers do not care about “plus” position, they only care where their place is. For example, we helped one clothing supplier in Chongqing, find market in Russia, make him understand the demand characteristics of local garment production and make right products, do their own brand.” Kevin Fenn said, its not important were or not supplier are have Internet trade experience. OConnect core concern is all about reduce the difficulty of Chinese small and medium suppliers to do foreign trade, grasp the brand and pricing. Kevin Fenn think that integrated to life Internet technology can be life-changing, will it be "Internet +" or "+ Internet" doesn’t important anymore, important is all that companies integration into the process, seeking for opportunities in the new era.  

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