Connect at The 26th East China Fair
The 26th East China Fair is one of the biggest and most popular regional international trade events in China. More than 3000 domestic and foreign enterprises from all around the world attended the event.
It is worth mentioning that the current East China Fair for the first time established a cross-border e-commerce booth and invited big cross-border electronic business platforms to take part in. That was a good opportunity to demonstrate their warehousing, logistics, financial, and other third-party services to the domestic suppliers.
OConnect booth at The 26th East China Fair
In recent years, electronic cross-border platforms become aware of some problems in the traditional trading. Orders fragmentation, overcapacity, low competitiveness of market, low quality of products, all this factors made Chinese e-commerce very weak. Within China, these manufacturers need to find a right way to conquer the foreign “Internet” market; on the other hand, Chinese overproduction also requires an urgent way to conquer new way of selling.
For this reasons, OSell’s daughter company, OConnect, made a net of foreign showrooms altogether with mobile O’Sell APP, which forms an “invite online + meet offline” business model. Online, users can look on products. Talk with suppliers on the mother tongue, find business opportunities; offline – OConnect is constructing trading channels, that will take any products to the buyers doors. Now it’s the easiest way to make reliable business contacts, talk and consult with suppliers and meet in OConnect showrooms.
Oconnect Ningbo CEO Yin Ming making a speech
“OConnect will open showrooms more than in 100 cities around the world, using online and offline methods will construct world-wide e-commerce market, fulfill New Silk Road strategy ” said Oconnect Ningbo CEO, mister Yin Ming.
Also, OConnect will offer customs and tax clearance, data, legalization, branding and other services, so manufacturers are no longer afraid of obstacles on foreign markets.
In the April of this year, OConnect will open five more showrooms in Russia, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Canada. Moreover, in 2016 showrooms will open their doors in Pakistan, India, South Korea, Brazil, Germany and other countries, following path of 21th century Silk Road.
Visitors at OConnect’s booth
At the current " East China Fair", a lot of suppliers were very interested in OConnect’s business model and hope to get chance conquer foreign market through a global platform services. We hope very soon Chinese foreign market will have a quick growth with e-commerce platform help.
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