SHIBIJIA, a world-renowned and time-honored brand in Chinese artwork trade and education, has been witnessing the rises and falls of Chinese economy ever since its founding in 1920.
SHIBIJIA, its Chinese name literally means, “a family even the maid servants love poetry”, has profound implications of Chinese culture. According to A New Account of World Tales, a then journalism collection of chaotic China, the great scholar of Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 25-220), Zheng Xuan had such erudite family tradition that even his maid servants were adept at rhythm and literature.
Modern SHIBIJIA bolsters trading of “Four Treasures of the Study” (the writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and ink stone for traditional Chinese art production), auction of artwork, education & training, art gallery, development of artistic and cultural works, designing of books and electronic commerce.